Dwell in Possibility

Self as Chambered Nautilus: The Healing Power of Writing

Self as Chambered Nautilus: The Healing Power of Writing

At the 2023 Creative Bridges Conference hosted by Lapidus International this past weekend, I had the privilege of sharing my journey into the profound healing power of writing—a journey that began during my graduate studies. Writing, which initially served as a creative outlet, became a transformative tool for exploring deep-seated personal experiences, such as caregiving, chronic illness, and trauma, in an iterative process similar to the growth cycle of the chambered nautilus. This presentation allowed me to highlight the unique role that writing can play in both personal healing and academic growth.

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Reflecting on Chronic Illness: Insights from the Creative Bridges Conference

Reflecting on Chronic Illness: Insights from the Creative Bridges Conference

This past weekend, I had the honor of presenting at the 2021 Creative Bridges Conference, hosted by Lapidus International. This event gathers the global writing for wellbeing community to share insights, research, and personal stories.


Presentation Overview: "These Roots That Bind Us"

My talk, “These Roots that Bind Us: Using Writing to Process Grief and Reconstruct the Self in Chronic Illness,” provided an overview of my research into the role of creative writing following a chronic illness diagnosis. Chronic illnesses often disrupt our self-perception and worldview, leading to feelings of alienation and identity fragmentation.

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