Dwell in Possibility

The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.

~ Sylvia Plath

Presentations and Workshops

I have presented on a range of topics from regulation and professional practice to writing for wellbeing and personal development. Through Dwell in Possibility®, I present on topics related to coaching and writing, as well as facilitate group writing workshops designed to foster self-discovery and growth. 

Writing for Wellbeing

  • 2023 Creative Bridges Conference

    • The Chambered Nautilus: Discovering the Healing Power of Writing as a Graduate Student
  • 2022 Lighthouse Series

    • Writing for Self Innovation: The Proprioceptive Method
  • 2021 Creative Bridges Conference

    • These Roots That Bind Us: Using Writing to Process Grief and Reconstruct the Self in Chronic Illness
  • 2020 Awake and Aware Series

    • Writing the Self: Building Resilience Through Poetry
Woman preparing for a writing presentation or workshop

Regulation, Professional Practice, and Competency

  • 2023 Canadian Network of Agencies for Regulation Conference (Accepted)

    • How to Separate a College and Association in 365 Days (with Julie Therou Zechel)
  • 2019 Innovations in Testing Conference

    • Item Sensitivity Review: Design Guidelines and Application (with Natasha Parfyonova)
  • 2019 AAISA Workshop

    • Quality Assurance in PLAR: Applications for Immigrant Serving Agencies (with Bonnie Kennedy)
  • 2019 BC Prior Learning Action Network (PLAN) Symposium

    • Quality Assurance in PLAR: Assessing Technology Professionals in Alberta
  • 2016 CAPLA Boot Camp

    • Quality Assurance in PLAR: Assessing Technology Professionals in Alberta
  • 2016 CLEAR Annual Conference

    • The Future of Labour Market Integration (with Natasha Parfyonova)
  • 2016 CMBES Annual Conference

    • Competency-Based Assessment (with Eric Morin)
  • 2015 Joint Stakeholder FQR Forum, Government of Alberta

    • Competency-Based Assessment for Technology Professionals
  • 2015 AAISA 8th Biennial Settlement Conference

    • Panel Member: Competency-Based Assessment
  • 2015 Talent Pool HR Trend Series

    • Panel Member: The Year of Resiliency
  • 2014-16 NAIT, SAIT, Lethbridge College

    • Introduction to Professional Practice and Ethics

Ready to learn more? Book a complimentary consultation!