Dwell in Possibility

Enhance Your Self Awareness Through Reflective Writing

A pen sitting on a blank piece of paper ready for a reflective writing session

Enhance Your Self Awareness Through Reflective Writing

Understanding ourselves—our thoughts, feelings, and the narratives we create about our experiences—is fundamental to personal growth and mental health. Self-trust involves recognizing the truth in our thoughts and feelings and using that insight to steer our lives.


Transforming the Self

Our self-concept is continually shaped by the social and cultural contexts we inhabit. According to social constructionism, our notion of self is influenced by the specific time, place, and context of our lives. This perspective suggests that our identity isn’t fixed; instead, we can challenge and redefine our self-perceptions. Reflective writing is a powerful method for this exploration, allowing us to question our narratives and adopt new ways of thinking and being.

What is Proprioceptive Writing?

Proprioceptive Writing, developed in the 1970s by Linda Trichter Metcalf and Tobin Simon, is a method that deepens self-awareness through structured writing exercises. This practice has been taught in academic and therapeutic settings and is used globally to help individuals explore and understand their internal experiences.

The Proprioceptive Method

The steps of Proprioceptive Writing are designed to foster a reflective state:

  1. Setting the Scene: Listen to calming Baroque music and light a candle to signify the beginning of your writing session.
  2. Free Writing: Write on unlined paper for 25 minutes, allowing your thoughts to flow freely without editing for grammar or style.
  3. Reflective Questions: After writing, reflect on your thoughts and feelings through four structured questions.

Guidelines for Effective Writing Sessions

To make the most of your Proprioceptive Writing sessions, follow these guidelines:

  1. Write What You Hear: Document your thoughts as they occur, without judgment.
  2. Listen to What You Write: Engage actively with your written words, maintaining presence and attentiveness.
  3. Ask the Proprioceptive Question: Use “What do I mean by…?” to delve deeper into the meanings behind your words and thoughts.

Reflecting on Your Writing

Conclude each session by addressing these four questions to deepen your reflective practice:

  1. What thoughts did you hear but not write?
  2. How or what do you feel now?
  3. What larger story is this Write a part of?
  4. What ideas came up for future Writes?

These questions help you connect with your emotions and understand how your writings fit into your broader life narrative.

Writing Exercise

Begin your journey with Proprioceptive Writing by:

  • Preparing a quiet space with a candle and some Baroque music.
  • Writing freely for 25 minutes, exploring whatever thoughts arise.
  • Engaging with the proprioceptive question when a specific word or phrase catches your attention.
  • Reflecting on your session with the four concluding questions.

Sample Question Responses

The following table outlines responses to the Proprioceptive Questions and Concluding Questions in a sample Write:


Proprioceptive Questions

Concluding Questions

What do I mean by “doing this right”? 

I feel like I’m making things up rather than listening to my voice

What do I mean by “reluctant”? 

I’m nervous about what will come up

What do I mean by “scared”? 

I was afraid he was angry

What do I mean by “trust”? 

I have a history of hiding what I feel

What thoughts did I hear but not write? 

I was thinking about my best friend


How or what do I feel now? 

Surprised that I am thinking about things from my childhood

What larger story is the Write part of? 

The relationship with my grandfather


What ideas came up for future Writes? 

Lost relationships, father figures 

Learn More

Interested in exploring proprioceptive writing? Contact me to learn more about coaching options.


Metcalf, L.T. and Simon, T. (2002). Writing the Mind Alive. Ballantine Books.